
A non-life medical insurance cover designed to cover shortfalls in medical expenses in the event of hospitalization.

Being a member of a medical scheme does not guarantee you full cover as you would expect, especially for specialist procedures.

Many medical practitioners charge considerably more than medical schemes will pay. This creates a shortfall gap between what the medical scheme has paid and the actual cost incurred for the medical practitioner who treated you in hospital.

As a member you would be personally liable for the difference in cost, which for specialist and surgeons can add up to a sizeable amount.

Admed offers you and your loved ones specially designed products that provides cover for medical expense shortfalls in the event of hospitalisation involving surgery or medical treatment as well as for certain procedures performed out-of-hospital.

For more information, please visit  Admed Online. 

Client Profile

Individual clients
Small and medium businesses
Large companies, organisations and government


South Africa